
Jessica Chang, MHC-LP Jessica Chang, MHC-LP

Another Look at Love Languages

Knowing the questionable origin story of the five love languages, the underlying sentiment that partners often have different ways of receiving and experiencing love and may benefit from learning one another’s love language remains a pure and seemingly simple truth.

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Rebecca Leon, MHC-LP Rebecca Leon, MHC-LP

Understanding Attachment Styles and Their Impact on Intimate Relationships

These attachment styles lay the foundation for how we approach intimate relationships as adults, impacting our ability to develop trust and connection with intimate partners. Understanding your attachment style can play a huge role in developing self-awareness and building healthier relationships.

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Alpana Choudhury Alpana Choudhury

Feeling SAD in the Summer

SAD usually occurs during the fall and winter when daylight decreases and improves with the onset of spring. However, a portion of those who experience SAD feel the effects in the spring and summer.

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Elancer Solution Elancer Solution

On People-pleasing

People-pleasing behavior is not an act of benevolence. It stems from a deep-rooted need for external validation and longing to feel secure. People pleasers are often operating from a place of low self-esteem, fear of rejection, or fear of failure.

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Rebecca Leon, MHC-LP Rebecca Leon, MHC-LP

Understanding Nonverbal Microaggressions

In our society, communication extends far beyond the words we speak. Nonverbal cues can play a significant role in shaping our interactions and relationships.

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Rebecca Leon, MHC-LP Rebecca Leon, MHC-LP

The Importance of BIPOC Mental Health

BIPOC individuals experience mental health disparities due to various factors, including historical trauma, intergenerational trauma, and ongoing systemic racism. These factors may contribute to higher rates of anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other mental health conditions within these communities.

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Rebecca Leon, MHC-LP Rebecca Leon, MHC-LP

Coping With A Breakup

Breakups…we’ve all been there at some point! Relationships can end for several reasons, but even when breaking up feels like the right thing to do, it can still be an incredibly painful experience. When a relationship ends, you may feel profound disappointment, stress, and grief because it represents the loss, not just of the partnership, but also of the dreams and commitments you shared

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Rebecca Leon, MHC-LP Rebecca Leon, MHC-LP

How Do We Learn to Love Ourselves? A Guide to Developing Self-Love 

Developing self-love is no easy feat, especially in a society that profits off our insecurities. Unfortunately, many of us struggle with self-loathing and negative self-talk, often stemming from capitalism, oppression, societal pressures, and unrealistic beauty standards.

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Rebecca Leon, MHC-LP Rebecca Leon, MHC-LP

Setting Boundaries: A Guide to Protecting Your Mental Health 

Setting boundaries as a way of maintaining mental health has become more normalized in the US. Despite the rise in popularity of the word “boundaries,” many people don’t know what setting boundaries looks like or how to talk about it with others.

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Rebecca Leon, MHC-LP Rebecca Leon, MHC-LP

What is Self-Care and Why is it Important?

Self-care is the process of intentionally engaging in strategies that promote healthy functioning and enhance well-being. It involves the pursuit of activities that promote mental, emotional, and physical health.

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Rebecca Leon, MHC-LP Rebecca Leon, MHC-LP

How do I Find the Right Therapist?

While this fear is entirely normal, finding the right therapist can make the process of starting therapy much less frightening. Here are a few tips and tricks to help you find the right fit:

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Mental Health Alpana Choudhury Mental Health Alpana Choudhury

How do I know if I have a disorder?

Have you ever noticed it often takes a diagnosis for yourself or anyone else take your symptoms seriously? Have you ever paused to question what a diagnosis even is, who defines it, or where it comes from? It’s not as objective as you may have thought. Race, class, sex, gender. It all matters.

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Alpana Choudhury Alpana Choudhury

Therapy for Black, Indigenous + People of Color

Wove Therapy founder, Alpana Choudhury, unpacks some of her thoughts on BIPOC therapy spaces, business ownership, the complicated ethics of the healthcare industry, and the truth about Imposter Syndrome!

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